That's me, Ricardo Kleinlein!
Have you ever experienced that bitter feeling of remembering naught of what you studied a couple week ago? I got tired of that, so this blog is born as a register of my thoughts and notes.
About me
After completing my undergrad studies in Physics, I got amazed by the increasingly big world of machine learning and patter recognition. So much that I soon found myself enrolled in a MSc. in Robotics and a MSc. in Mathematics & Computer Science.
After enjoying a research scholarship at the National Institute of Informatics of Tokyo, I set up my mind to continue with a research career, and although I am in the final steps of a Ph.D. Programme at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, I also collaborate on a regular basis with companies and start-ups at different stages of development.
What's my Ph.D. thesis about?
Every film we watch, every song we listen to, every picture we look at... Has a cognitive and affective impact on us. We usually refer to this informally as perception. With it, we span several phenomena such as the aesthetics experience, the time such stimulus persists in memory, the interest it raises on us or the evoked emotion by it, to name a few.
I focus on the aesthetics and the memorability of multimedia productions. My research shows that, although they do not obey to the same laws, and are not positively correlated, both obey to the power of the semantics of the scene. In summary, we can model both by attending to a global overview of the elements present in the object, as well as their mutual interactions.
Tell me what you think!
I'll gladly accept any piece of feedback you may send to ricardokleinklein AT gmail.com. Once again, thank you for your time!